Hey, hey…2019 is HERE. A new year means new possibilities. That’s where resolutions and goal setting come in. So what better inspiration for new year’s resolutions than…you guessed it, Hamilton! The Hamilton musical is inspiring me to create goals for the new year. Here are my big three tips on how I’m gonna WORK my resolutions (with […]
3 Tips for Making New Year’s Resolutions for 2016
Hello 2016-how ya doing? I am happy at the prospect of a New Year because it means new possibilities and excitement about what new year will bring! (That means TRAVEL for me). So I started writing this and it turned into a list of 3 Tips for Making New Year’s Resolutions for 2016. But here’s […]
Happy 2014-Goodbye 2013
I’ll admit it-I am not sorry at all to see 2013 come to an end. Call me a sourpuss, but the past few months have been tinged with sadness, family drama and stress. I am not one to set resolutions–see why HERE–but if I were, I would resolve to live intentionally in 2014. To live […]
Finding My Whinny in 2013
I would like to list what I hope to accomplish in 2013–because putting these goals down gives weight to them and more accountability. But instead I have been shaped by what has happened today. My morning spent with my baby sister at the doctor’s office, confirming what we already knew about a much-needed surgery. Hugging […]