Hey, hey…2019 is HERE. A new year means new possibilities. That’s where resolutions and goal setting come in. So what better inspiration for new year’s resolutions than…you guessed it, Hamilton! The Hamilton musical is inspiring me to create goals for the new year. Here are my big three tips on how I’m gonna WORK my resolutions (with Schuyler Sisters’ flair)!
Hello 2019, goodbye 2018. You know what that means…resolutions time! While I’m not a huge fan of the concept of resolutions, I am totally behind the concept of goalsetting. But I want my goals to mean more than words I follow for the month of January and then I’m out. So when I started working on mine, I couldn’t help but find my inspiration in Hamilton. I FINALLY saw this musical in December and “AAAAAHHH” (angels singing) the heavens opened and it exceeded my expectations! There is nothing like going to a performance you have anticipated for so long. It made a wonderful Christmas gift that my husband snagged up tickets for the national tour presentation of it at the Peace Center in Greenville. (And as a total aside, I am ALL about gifts that are experiences/travel.)
Here’s how to approach New Year’s resolutions/goals with a little bit of Hamilton flair.
This is an update to a post from 2017, but it’s just as timely as ever because, well, Hamilton!
Making New Year’s Resolutions Hamilton Style:
1. Pick your theme, word or phrase for the year.
Your word for the year is like your theme. You know, the word that sums up what you want your new year to look like. Hey, it doesn’t have to be a single word; it can also be a phrase or a song. Whatever floats your boat!
I’ll bet Hamilton fans will recognize this line. If that isn’t a go-getter taking on the world, I don’t know what is!

Have fun with your theme for the year. For me, Hamilton seemed a logical fit since the songs are whirling around in my head “non-stop.” Choose what works for you. My choice for 2017 was “Just you wait.” I took it to mean I’m taking on the new year with guns blazing. I had a laundry list of a million things I wanted to do, and juggling to many roles that it was hard to do any of them well.
In 2019, my word for this year is JOY. Seeking it, sharing it, and hopefully living it. I also like that JOY is an anagram for Jesus, Others, and You. I want to be JOY-ful and a purveyor of joy this year. Which I think also goes hand in hand with gratitude, so it’s kind of like having two words for the year and double dipping!
2. With my resolutions, I say, “I am not throwing away my shot.”
Hamilton’s signature line is “I am not throwing away my shot.” That really aligns with a New Year and resolutions/goals. But it takes some commitment and “stick-to-it-ness” to follow goals into the New Year beyond January. Taking our shot at the new year requires some effort.
So it’s a new year now: What do you want to accomplish? Yeah, I’m saying that in a non-rhetorical way! For many, they see a new year as a blank slate and a fresh start to take things into a different direction (and to close out what may have been a very rough, hard or stressful year). By naming your goals, you are getting down to the nitty gritty.
Step 1: Write the resolutions down.
Hamilton was one prolific dude. So he would totally endorse this concept of putting pen to paper (or using your computer, phone, iPad, etc.) and committing them to writing! By writing them down, I can say that “I am not throwing away my shot.”
Step 2: Resolutions may take a little (or a lot) time.
I’ve been a fan of Leslie Odom, Jr. since he was underused on the TV show Smash. So glad that he has arrived and is getting his props. That aside, his character has some of the best songs in the musical. My favorite song on the Hamilton soundtrack is “Wait for It.”
This year, “I’m willing to wait for it.” I’m embracing patience and a don’t rush attitude. (I’ll let you know how that works out.) I can see others achieving their goals and say to myself, “Wait for it” if mine aren’t coming my way as quickly as I’d hoped.
Step 3: Make your resolutions ambitious (aka get in “the room where it happens”)
But just as Hamilton and Burr were foils to each other in the musical, I see how both personality types are necessary to succeed. There are times where I need to be more Hamilton than Burr, setting aside the “wait for it” mentality. It’s important to know when to be more aggressive and bold. And to be ambitious and set my sights high.
My resolutions are a balance between “I’m willing to wait for it” and “I want to be in the room where it happens.” Some are more realistic and others are lofty. I’m saying it’s OK to have both.

3. Find accountability partners.
You NEED some buddies in this process. They will be your accountability partners and biggest cheerleaders. Think of them as your partners in crime who aren’t afraid to ask, “How’s that working out for you?” and call you to the mat when you haven’t say made it to exercise class for the week or written a blog post.
This is where “talk less, smile more comes in.” I promise to listen to my friends and colleagues and radiate joy via smiles more this year. One of my favorite phrases is “Stay close to people who feel like sunshine.” AMEN!
Confide your resolutions to at least one friend or colleague you trust. They can be your brothers and (Schyuler) sisters…”Angelica, Eliza, and Peggy!” So where are my girls (and guys) at?
I’m gonna “Work” hard this year and with my mouse/keyboard, hopefully my goals will be as attainable as “Click, Boom!”
Oh, I forgot one more thing: Happy New Year!