I am happy at the prospect of a New Year because it means new possibilities and excitement about what new year will bring! (That means TRAVEL for me). So I started writing this and it turned into a list of 3 Tips for Making New Year’s Resolutions for 2016.
But here’s what’s funny: I really prefer the term goals to resolutions. But whatever…most people think resolutions at January 1st, so who am I to quibble?
Here are my 3 TIPS for Making New Year’s Resolutions in 2016:
1. Pick your “word” for the year.
Your “word” for the year is like your theme. You know, the word that sums up what you want 2016 to look like. Hey, it doesn’t have to be a single word; it can also be a phrase or a song. Whatever floats your boat! My word for 2016 is GROW. It came to me as I was falling asleep a few nights ago. The first one that came to mind was believe, but it didn’t stick around for long. And the next one was my keeper. GROW. As soon as it popped in my head, I said, “YES, baby! That’s it!” Eureka!
Why the word GROW? Well, the season of life that I’m in, I feel like I need to focus on being the best me I can realistically be. And that’s going to require a LOT of GROWTH on my part. See, my habit is to turn my focus on whatever is most pressing on my to-do list. So much so that I miss the overall picture and push aside some of my goals.
I am so busy trying to be a good wife, mom, attorney, writer, daughter, sister, friend, and Christian that I often fail because I’m juggling too much. Instead, I need to show some maturity (aka growth) and realize that I cannot do it all and stop setting myself up for failure in thinking that I can.
Finally, as a mom, I often forget that while I am assisting my kids in chasing their dreams, I still need to have dreams of my own! Instead of abandoning my dreams or pushing them to the back-burner, I need to pursue them with even more intensity so I can GROW and have more life experiences.
You get the picture. Have fun with your theme for the year and you can place post-its all around with your word as a reminder of your goals.
2. Name your goals and OWN them.
What do you want to accomplish in 2016? For many, they see a new year as a blank slate and a fresh start to take things into a different direction (and to close out what may have been a very rough, hard or stressful year). By naming your goals, you are getting down to the nitty gritty! Be as specific and detailed as possible!
Don’t forget your theme word for the year because it can be your springboard to base all your goal setting. For instance, since my word is GROW, then I will incorporate growth into my goals:
-Like saying I want to grow in my writing and blogging by attending more conferences and submitting freelance writing to multiple sources;
-Nurture seeds of my love of travel by mapping out our 2016 travel plans (and leaving some room for opportunities I may not see coming);
-Tap into the tree of knowledge by taking a photography class and violin or voice lessons;
-Stretch my branches to embrace a new challenge like auditioning for a musical or applying to be a speaker at a conference.
Once you have the right theme, the goals will flow right out of you! Or you could be in denial like Calvin about needing to make any resolutions:
3. Share your goals with others.
You may be thinking, “Say what?” Some of these may be private or seemingly unattainable. Why on Earth do I want to tell people about them?
You NEED some buddies in this process. They will be your accountability partners and biggest cheerleaders. Think of them as your partners in crime who aren’t afraid to ask, “How’s that working out for you?” and call you to the mat when you haven’t mentioned running in over a month. (Ahem, that may or may not bear any resemblance to me.)
So get on your computer, phone, iPad, or kick it old school and pull out a notepad and commit them to writing! Then make sure you confide them to at least one friend or colleague you trust.
We’ll do a check-up post on this in two months to see how we ALL are doing…deal?