January 2nd is my great aunt’s birthday. Her name was Helen, but to all of us, she was known as Tunky. (Tunky is a Gullah word meaning “sweet little baby.”) My Tunky is in heaven now, but boy, when she walked this Earth, she LIVED! Tunky was a jokester, a lover of the arts and […]
For the Love
Jen Hatmaker for President. No, I’m being serious. This lady cracks me up. Her brutal honesty about parenting has captivated millions. She says what we moms are feeling. See her Worst End of School Mom Ever post and you’ll see why it had almost 500,000 Facebook likes/comments. Explaining that her last signature in her child’s […]
Choosing the Road Less Traveled
20 years ago, I was the picture of career-minded and ambitious. Newlywed, fresh off my first year in law school, and working a a law clerk for a well-known law firm, the world was my oyster. The previous year, I had graduated from the University of South Carolina magna cum laude in English. I presented […]