December 24th is one of my all time favorite days. Not just because it precedes Christmas, but also because it happens to be an anniversary of sorts–22 years ago, Clay and I got engaged while my family vacationed in Jamaica. Clay had special plans in store, so he showed up and–surprise- popped the question! This has to be one of my favorite Christmas Eve memories EVER.
Christmas Eve means we are on the brink of something special. Can you feel it? Have you slowed down enough to notice it?
My son loves to snuggle up and read at bedtime. I know these days are fleeting, so when he says we need to snuggle, I’m all in. Not cuddle, but snuggle–to him, they are two different things. One of my favorite expressions he used to say in those moments was “here, Mommy, I made room.”
Making room is more than just about space-it’s about time and focus. When my son and I read at bedtime together, we share stories and making funny character voices. Reading time is sacred. It is a phone-free zone. He knows that it is just me and him: mommy-son time, I call it. A daily ritual, we both have grown to cherish bedtime. I can’t wait to hear him say, “I made room.”
Have you? Made room?
It’s not too late. Quit stressing about your laundry list of things you must do before Christmas and make room.
Jean Shinoda Bolen said it this way: “When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy, care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life.”
Make room. Take time to call a friend or write a note to someone you haven’t seen in a while. Deliver food to a family in need or visit a neighbor. Sit down and relax. Listen to music and soak it all in. Be creative. Align your passions with your room making.
Like Bill Murray says in the movie Scrooged, “It’s Christmas Eve! It’s not too late…”
Neal A. Maxwell wrote, “Each of us is an innkeeper who decides if there is room for Jesus.”
Or put another way in this blog post I really love, “All I want for Christmas is to be broken enough to be the stable and not the Inn.” I’m going to choose the stable. Even if that means putting aside my perfectionism and preconceived notions about what Christmas looks like and what we HAVE to do and instead focus on the manger.
Jesus is the heart of Christmas–make room for Him. Today. I think I’ll join you!
And a very Merry Christmas to each of you!
Merry Christmas!
Love this Sherry‼️ Merry Christmas ‼️❤️❌⭕️❌
Thanks, Janice! Hope you and your family had a blessed Christmas too!