I can finally say it and believe it…I’m a runner. I never thought those words would tumble from my lips, honestly, because running is not my favorite activity. Not by a longshot. But something happened between May 12 and now that has transformed my life and (BONUS) my body and overall health. I’ve been bit by the running bug.
It didn’t happen for me until about a month in..and let me tell you, I began to question my sanity every time I had to wake up at 6:00AM VOLUNTARILY on a WEEKEND just to avoid the hot, humid conditions of dear old South Carolina. I strategized which route to run, at first avoiding like the plague any roads that had oh-so-steep hills or inclines that made your calves feel like knives were slicing into them. Evokes images of Freddy Krueger this Halloween, doesn’t it? But sure enough, as promised by my running friends, the day happened where I finished my 3 miles and thought, “I could have done more. I still feel pretty good.”
That’s not to say it’s all been a bed of roses: quite the contrary. I’ve gotten more side stitches than I probably should have and come to a screeching halt from a few. My left foot got that fallen asleep, tingly feeling during a run (too tight laces were the culprit.) I haven’t hydrated enough, eaten too close to a run, and dodged dogs and cars that passed WAY too closely. What the heck might make me want to do this, you might say?
For this 40 year old newbie runner, I can say that running has positively flipped my life upside down in the most wonderful way possible. What started out as the most daunting undertaking has become lifechanging. Like Halloween, something sweet can result from the fear. Ironically, running has taught me to slow down. To take time for myself and my wellbeing. Which actually is a win-win for me and my family when you get right down to it. I’ve had some pretty awesome conversations with God along the way, and I’ve really soaked in everything around me as I ran. So in all respects-emotionally, spiritually and physically-it does a body AND soul good!
So you can imagine my absolute euphoria when I completed the Tower of Terror 10 miler at Hollywood Studios on September 29! My goal time was 2 hours so that had me finishing the race just before midnight (how very Cinderella of me!) And I did it just under that: 1 hour and 53 minutes to be exact! Given the heat and humidity at 10:00 at night (almost 80 degrees at start of race), I was happy to survive! I couldn’t wait to receive my medal and post photos!
So what’s next? Well, I’d love to take on the Princess 1/2 in February but not sure if that will work out yet. Anyone want to sponsor me? I’d be more than happy to document my journey…just sayin’!
So I say “Boo to You” this Halloween…I think I’ll dress up as a runner this year 🙂

Way to go Sherry!! I’m so proud of you! Please come do the Princess 1/2. I’d love to see your smiling face again. Congratulations on a great run!
Allison, it was great seeing you and meeting Shannon. Y’all did GREAT! I have the feeling that I am a run Disney convert. Here’s hoping we have many more magical reunions in store at Disney together!
Sniff, sniff! That’s all I got. So proud of you for not completing this race, but for having the courage the start!
With you in my corner, I was like the little engine that could….I think I can! It was truly an amazing experience and I think the fun is just starting. Hoping that I get to do many more and see you working them 😉
I’m ‘this close’ to registering for the Princess half… let’s do it! Congratulations on your journey!!! I have a feeling it’s just the beginning!
I am sitting on the fence and closely watching as it inches closer to being full-81%. Trying to figure out other travel before I book this one 🙂 But I would love it as a mini-Divas reunion (and it doesn’t hurt that it’s my birthday weekend!) Hoping we will see each other there, Heidi!