Back to blogging-and it feels…weird. I’ve crammed so much in these past few weeks and I don’t know exactly where to begin. So I’ll simply start small and wish all of you the very best this new year. It holds tons of promise-I love that about new beginnings. What I don’t like? The concept of “resolutions.” I prefer goals. ButĀ setting goals means nothing if you don’t reassess them, tweak them, and learn from them.
So just writing this has forced me to look back at what I wrote just 12 short months ago and ask myself, “How are ya doing with that?”
- I’m still “getting organized”-going nuts with cleaning, purging, and donating. But it feels so good!
- Making time for mommy? A big check on that coming up-going to meet a girlfriend this weekend for retail therapy and lunch! But this area definitely needs improvement…I’m thinking spa day! Who’s with me? (My phone and email should soon start going berzerk!)
- Slow the ^%#(*# down? Well, yes and no. I am more concientious about this one but when I get swamped with kids and work and church and activities, it’s easy to lose sight of serenity. And I have NOT done what I should in making time for devotion, yoga or reading like I said I would. OK, there’s always carryover goals to this year, right?
- Reaching out to others. Eh, again I’m hit or miss on this one, depending on what I’ve got going on. The cycle continues…
- Reaching for the stars. I’m really making progress in developing a kids music ministry at church; still working on my writing (but at least I’m entering some contests and focusing more on the blog); and I refuse to throw the towel in on the Disney Moms Panel pursuit. Partly because I am stubborn but also because I can see myself doing it.
So what do you hope to accomplish in the New Year? I’d love to hear and maybe work together to hold each other accountable…kinda like workout buddies, only more fun! Just sayin’